
Hi! We're Made for Math

🧸Squishmallow GIVEAWAY & Math Accommodations: Made for Math Bites Made for YOU

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hey there Reader,

⚡In this Issue ⚡

  1. Math Accommodations that Matter
  2. GIVEAWAY: Louie, the Squishmallow with Dyslexia!
  3. Dyslexia Resources: Interactive Map


Have you heard about our Math Accommodations Generator, yet? Our CEO Adrianne Meldrum and Math Specialist Matthew Lyda worked together to create a quick 4-minute quiz to determine which accommodations will help your student thrive.

So, what is an accommodation? It’s an adjustment that can be added to your child’s IEP or 504 learning plan. Most accommodations are focused on what Marilyn Zecher calls Output Accommodations, for example, more time on a test or the use of a calculator. However, Input Accommodations, are typically more powerful because they are adjustments in how the child receives instruction or changes in how they are taught. This could be through manipulative use, near-point references, or focus facts.

With more than 20 possibilities, the Accommodations Generator is a handy tool to have at your next IEP meeting. To learn more about our Math Accommodations Generator and take it for a spin, click here.


Pacific Prepatory: Open House on February 23, 2023

PacPrep is hosting an open house to highlight their customised one on one lessons tailored to your students specific needs! During the open house you will get the opportunity to meet their leadership team, learn about their unique model of instruction, and watch a live lesson with a student. Register for this event Here.

The LDA Podcast: Defining Dyscalculia with Laura Jackson

Laura Jackson, writer and mom, shares her journey of discovering her daughter’s dyscalculia and her process of learning everything she could about this SLD. Laura covers her struggle to find resources and why she decided to start a blog to help other parents in similar situations. Listen to episode 42 with Laura Jackson Here.

Diverse Thinking, Different Learning Podcast: Uncovering Why a Child is Struggling

Join Dr. Karen Wilson to discuss the challenges that children with learning difficulties face and how to help them overcome them. She covers topics on how you can teach children to be more resilient, maintain their love for learning, and experience more success. Listen to episode 100 with Dr. Karen Wilson Here.

⭐ Enjoy the Limelight ⭐

Amy, one of our amazing Math Specialists, shared this awesome win with one of her students. She writes, “Jacob and I have worked together since fall, 2019. During this time, Jacob has made tremendous growth. He is incredibly curious about advanced math topics, science, and history. He thinks outside the box and has a unique ability to see the bigger picture no matter what we're learning. His desire to push himself and understand the "why" behind various math topics continuously motivates me to be a better educator for him and all my students!”

Thank you, Amy and Jacob for being SUPERSTARS🌟


Have you checked out Melanie Brethour’s Dyslexia Resource interactive map? From books, to podcasts, to websites worth checking out–its a great way to keep up-to-date on the latest research in the dyslexia community.

With 25 links to reliable resources for dyslexia, a plethora of information can be found here. (Link goes to interactive Google Doc)


🧸GIVEAWAY🤩We are giving away 5 Squishmallows on our Instagram! Meet Louie! He has dyslexia and has had to take a few extra lessons to help him learn to read. He's grown to love books and stories and one day wants to be a librarian when he grows up. Enter our Giveaway to win Louie here.

Giveaway ends February 26, 2023


Each day at Made for Math, we close our meeting with a math joke or pun. Who is feeling like Hannah Montana after last week? 😂

And that's just the way the dice roll!🎲🎲🎲

Hi! We're Made for Math

We are a group of professionals trained to work with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and MLD using the multisensory method. Each month, we send curated newsletters just like this. Join us by clicking the Subscribe button below.

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