
Hi! We're Made for Math

😀 October is Learning Disability Month! (GIVEAWAY INSIDE)

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

Hey there Reader,

⚡In this Issue ⚡

  1. October is Learning Disability Awareness Month!!
  2. Did you catch this? Our Unlocking Dyscalculia Series is LIVE!


Heads up–October is learning disability awareness month and we have something to say! The stigmas that surround LD are often negative; we don’t always get to hear the positive attributes and traits that we know exist in our loved ones with a learning disability. Even the word suggests that there is something missing or lacking, when the truth is that they just learn differently.

video preview

Some of the most searched phrases on google when researching LD is “Can you be smart with a learning disability”. This is disheartening to see and is most likely the result of society putting people into boxes. When someone is diagnosed with a LD–it doesn’t mean they aren't intelligent, bright, and full of potential. It simply means that the traditional way of teaching will not work for that student. They need something different!

The National Center for Learning Disabilities reports that 1 in 5 children and adults experience a learning or attention issue. This means that in a class of 30 there are statistically 6 students who will struggle with the conventional way of learning. We clearly need to change the way we teach and think about education. If we teach to the individual student, then chances are they will feel understood and gain confidence and ability. When society expects someone to be average and they prove everyone wrong; they’re telling society something the statistic can’t comprehend–averages don’t exist in real life. Let’s stop teaching to the average.

Check out NCLD’s website on The Pillars of Change to see how you can add your voice and make a difference. You and your loved ones are not in this alone.


Does your child have ADHD and dyslexia? The co-morbidity between these two are higher than one would think; co-occurring around 25%-40% of the time. The intervention strategies are slightly different than if only one of these was affecting your child. Attitude Magazine points out that addressing only one condition will not make the other go away. If you're interested in learning about strategies you can implement read more HERE.

The National Center for Learning Disabilities recently launched a program to help students with learning and attention disabilities transition into life after high school. They have information about the changes that comes with college, the workforce, and even tools for the transformation in high school. If you or a loved one is looking for resources that can help with the process of change, look no further!

Visit NCLD for more info.

⭐ Enjoy the Limelight ⭐

This week we’re highlighting our AWESOME math specialist Brittany! Brittany has over 12 years of experience teaching mathematics and prides herself in her ability to boost confidence and skillfulness in her students through hands-on learning. From September's newsletter, our past student, Max, is just one of many success stories that Brittany has been a part of!

More recently, Brittany helped one of our students, Addison, excel at math in real life! She was able to run fireworks stand by taking money and returning exact change to help her basketball team fundraise! Way to go, Addison and Brittany! You two are SUPERSTARS⭐


Last month we launched our Unlocking Dyscalculia series! Have you checked it out yet? We connect with experts in the field to deliver the best resources and intervention for dyscalculia. We’re bringing you the latest research, best practices, and even lived experiences to create a conversation about dyscalculia. Join us on our journey.

We talk to a neuropsychologist (Dr. Karen Wilson), a statistician with dyscalculia (Dylan Lynn), an educational psychologist (Kara Scanlon), researchers (Dr. David Geary & Dr. Yan Ping Xin), multisensory math interventionalists (Marilyn Zecher), and so much more!

There are 16 information packed episodes to listen to!

Listen to Dr. Karen Wilson discuss the diagnosis of dyscalculia.


It’s Giveaway time! We are giving out 6 annotated copies of Mathematics for Dyslexics and Dyscalculics by Dr. Steve Chinn over on our Instagram and Youtube pages!

This is one of our favorite books and our MFM team has personally annotated them so you can get the most out of your read. Head over to our IG or YT pages to enter and follow the directions in the caption! Contest ends October 20, 2022.

Link to Instagram Giveaway

Link to Youtube Giveaway

📚📚📚 Don't want to wait for the giveaway?

Grab the book here:


Each day at Made for Math, we close our daily huddle with a math joke or pun. Let’s see if any of our students relate to this one. 😂

And that's just the way the dice roll!🎲🎲🎲

Hi! We're Made for Math

We are a group of professionals trained to work with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and MLD using the multisensory method. Each month, we send curated newsletters just like this. Join us by clicking the Subscribe button below.

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